Way Fast provides Strux® Studs / Strux Studs.
Experience the innovative Strux® Studs/Strux Studs for your fastening needs. Our products feature a retaining ring, displacement lobes, and grooves, ensuring secure and reliable connections. With various thread styles and materials available, we offer versatility to meet your specific requirements. Our Strux Studs are also known as double-end studs, adding to their versatility. Ranging in size from M4 to M16 (#6 to 5/8″), we have the perfect solution for your fastening applications. Enjoy the benefits of our Strux Studs, including the ability to use them on non-weldable materials, resistance to rotation and push-out, elimination of welding operations, and an aesthetically pleasing appearance compared to welds.
Additionally, they facilitate the assembly of hard-to-reach components, ensuring efficient and effective installation. We source our products from licensed manufacturers, guaranteeing quality and authenticity. Strux® Studs/Strux Studs is a registered trademark licensed by Acument®. Choose our Strux® Studs/Strux Studs for secure and efficient fastening solutions.
- Retaining ring
- Displacement of lobes and retaining grooves
- A variety of thread styles and materials are available
- Available as double-end studs
- Sizes from M4 to M16 (#6 to 5/8″)
- Allows use on non-weldable materials
- Resists rotation and push-out
- Eliminates welding operations
- It offers more aesthetic appearance than welds
- Facilitates assembly of hard-to-reach components
- PPAP: Available! IMDS: Available! RoHS: Compliant!
Supplied by licensed manufacturers. ®Registered trademark licensed by Acument® Strux® Studs
- 材質:碳鋼
- 尺寸:M3 ~ M12(#5 ~ 5/8”)
- 長度:14 mm ~ 120 mm
- PPAP/IMDS/RoHS表面處理:皆可提供
上述產品為Acument®之註冊商標或產品, 皆由專利授權廠商製造提供.
Supplied by licensed manufacturers. ®Registered trademark licensed by Acument®
特點:品質優良, 接受獨特設計或 Logo, 競爭價格, 接受原廠委託代工製造